Immunity and vitality is of utmost importance in holistic medicine. Holistic pediatric medicine places great importance on preventing disease before it begins. The goal of treatment is always to restore health and/or prevent disease by improving the immunity and immune regulating functions of the child. With holistic pediatric care, it is possible to identify and treat the unique patterns and weaknesses of each child before they manifest into chronic conditions, diseases and/or pathological states.
Holistic pediatric health care uses a systems-based medical philosophy grounded in the principles of biochemical individuality and focuses on the genetic predispositions and constitutional make-up of each child. Holistic pediatric care is very personalized care and offers safe, natural, nutritional and individualized medicines/remedies that address the unique patterns and constitutional needs of your child.
Chinese medical doctors are classified as board certified primary care physicians by the State of Florida. The Department of Health recognizes that acupuncture includes the use of electro-acupuncture (AKA non-invasive acupuncture-no needles), herbal therapy, nutritional counseling, dietary supplements and homeopathic preparations to promote health.
Holistic pediatric care by Toni Krehel, AP is hands-on therapy-based medical care that includes holistic therapies such as electro-acupuncture, microcurrent therapy, homotoxicology, herbal therapy, homeopathy, cranio-sacral therapy as well as lots of tender loving care to address both physiological and emotional needs of the child.
Often parents measure their success in part by how well their children are. Having healthy, happy children gives you peace of mind and a sense of accomplishment. Making holistic medicine a life-style choice enables you to be the primary health care provider for your family.